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U-Kemstin(Carbendazim 50% WP) is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide which effectively controls the diseases of crops. It is used both as curative and preventive for control of diseases in field crops and vegetables.


It is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. It is taken and translocated within the plant as a result of which the latter become fungitoxic.

When applied to the roots, the active ingredient passes Inter cellularly into the xylem vessels & it is swept along by the sap stream towards the foliage. When applied to the foliage the fungicide gets into the xylem and spreads to the distal parts of the leaf but not in the opposite direction towards the roots.

It mainly acts by inhibiting development of germ tubes, the formation of appressoria and the growth of mycelia.


  • As compare to other fungicides, it is less expensive in the long run with respect to the superior protection and cost per acre.
  • U-Kemstinis rapidly absorbed by the plants and translocated in whole plant. It remains effective even if it rain a few hours after its application.

Packing 500 GM, 1 KG DOSAGE: 100-250GM PER ACRE.

