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  • U-Kyor (Tebuconazole 25.9 % EC Fungicide) is a systemic and protective insecticide that controls fungal infection in crops and reduces crop loss. This broad-spectrum fungicide canincrease crop health, yield, and profits.

Features and Benefits:

  • U-Kyor is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide that belongs to the Triazole chemistry group.
  • It is used to protect crops from viral diseases and fungal infections.
  • It delivers essential components and ensures crop safety against harmful diseases.
  • It is a protective, curative, and eradicative fungicide.
  • It controls damage to the crops and maintains their health.
  • Increases crop production and crop yield.

Packing 500ML, 1 LTR DOSAGE: 120ML-250ML PER ACRE.

