That's right, we only sell 100% organic

Ujjawala Calci

Calcium Nitrate (as Ca 18.8% & N 15.5%)
Ujjawala calcium nitrate is a 100% water soluble fertilizer, which is a very
important and efficient source of calcium and nitrogen for plants under all
growth conditions.
Calcium is one of the most critical secondary nutrients that is vital for the
growth and strength of the plants body. Its deficiency may cause heavy
losses both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Dosage: (a) Foliar Spray: Fruits: 0.5-1.0% (5-10 g/liter of water), use it 2-4
times in 10-15 days intervals. Vegetables, Flowers, groundnut and other
crops: 0.5-1.0% (5-10g in liter of water) with first spray during flowering
and second spray before flowering.
(b) Soil Application: • Apply 25 -50 kg/acre either as basal or at the time of
first irrigation.

Packing 10kg, 25 Kg

